Monday, November 10, 2008

Miriam Makeba - R.I.P.

Last weekend, my son and I were singing the "Click Song" and I added some dance steps to have even more fun. My husband watched us and asked if that was a real song. I was singing acapella but we had the best time.

I just heard the news of South African singer Miriam Makeba making her transition at the age of 76. May she rest in Peace.

Some of you will recall she lived in exile for over 30 years from her native South Africa and was ostracized in the entertainment and political world for years because she married Stokely Carmichael who later changed his name to Kwame Ture. My memory will always be with My mother and sister and our famous parties and more recently, with my son.

Thank you Ms. Makeba for sharing your music with generations. My 5 year old and I will carry you in our hearts always. Thank you Mommy for introducing me to such a wonderful talent! Thank you XBag for having the play, "The Lion & the Jewel" by Wole Soyinka and having it come alive to us in new ways.

My other favorite is Pata Pata

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