Thursday, November 20, 2008
BREATHE - Daily Word
Daily Word — Thursday, November 20, 2008
I am a vibrant creation of God, living a life of health and freedom.
In my commitment to a healthy lifestyle, I realize a great benefit in making breathing a part of my focus. Taking in oxygen as I inhale, I feel refreshed. Exhaling, I release all concerns. As I breathe in--mindful that I am taking in the breath of life--I use affirmations of health and renewal.
Several times throughout the day, I close my eyes and affirm: I claim healthful habits every day in every way. I acknowledge: God guides me to right choices, and I live a life of health and well-being.
In times of seeming challenge, I repeat: I am relaxed and at peace. Divine guidance supports me in being whole, well, and free.
At all times I proclaim the truth about me: I am a vibrant creation of God, living a life of health and freedom.
"The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life."--Job 33:4
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Deal site lets buyers pick the price
08:03 PM PST on Saturday, November 15, 2008
PORTLAND, Ore. -- Shoppers who cringe over paying retail can now get help from a new website. It’s called Deal Alerter. From electronics, to skis, to baby items, shoppers submit prices and see if they can find a deal.
Search for an item, scan the prices and if you want to pay less, submit the price you want to pay. The website will email you when and if your price is met.
It doesn’t cost anything to sign up and you are under no obligation to buy a product.
The creator of the company says you can use Deal Alerter as a bargaining tool for stores. For some shoppers, it’s not a deal if it’s not a steal.
"You can't ever buy anything for the real price you have to find something on sale or it's not worth it," said Cami Carter.
The website is supposed to save shoppers not only money but also time.
08:03 PM PST on Saturday, November 15, 2008
PORTLAND, Ore. -- Shoppers who cringe over paying retail can now get help from a new website. It’s called Deal Alerter. From electronics, to skis, to baby items, shoppers submit prices and see if they can find a deal.
Search for an item, scan the prices and if you want to pay less, submit the price you want to pay. The website will email you when and if your price is met.
It doesn’t cost anything to sign up and you are under no obligation to buy a product.
The creator of the company says you can use Deal Alerter as a bargaining tool for stores. For some shoppers, it’s not a deal if it’s not a steal.
"You can't ever buy anything for the real price you have to find something on sale or it's not worth it," said Cami Carter.
The website is supposed to save shoppers not only money but also time.

Daily Word — Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I live in harmony with myself, my family, my community, and the world.
Harmony begins with each individual, and I am open and receptive to the love of God that allows me to experience and express harmony in my life.
During the day, as I go to work, tend to my family, or run errands, I carry with me a sense of my oneness with God. In all situations, I trust the love of God to guide my words and actions so that I experience a peaceful, harmonious day with those around me.
As I pray for the world community, I envision people everywhere filled with the love of God and united in a consciousness of peace. Living from this peace and love, we create harmony as we accept one another as beloved children of God.
"Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you be in agreement and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same purpose."--1 Corinthians 1:10
Monday, November 17, 2008
Bless the Children - Daily Word
Daily Word — Monday, November 17, 2008
Bless the Children
God bless children, for they are the teachers and peacemakers of the world.
When I contemplate the miracles of life and the hope that children are, I realize that they find joy in so many things that adults have forgotten. Children remind grown-ups how to be pure joy in expression.
To be in the presence of children is to look through the eyes of those who live each day to the fullest, who perceive a miracle in every situation. Children are life's greatest teachers, for to them, all people are beautiful, all ability levels are special, and all cultures and backgrounds are marvelous and interesting.
I take the time to mentor and care for the children, even as they mentor and care about me. The children in my life are well fed, well cared for, and always have someone to look up to and trust.
"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.' "--Matthew 19:14
Sunday, November 16, 2008

My heart beats with gratitude for the blessings of amazing grace.
As I turn in thought to God, I reflect on the incredible, enduring gift of grace--God's unconditional love and acceptance.
To perceive the magnitude of God's grace is to experience the gentle, abiding love that enfolds all and blesses always. Even in the most trying moments, I am at peace, knowing that because God's grace is active, all is well.
With gratitude to God for the myriad ways grace shows up in my life, I act in ways that enrich the lives of those around me. The results are amazing: forgiveness and love, freely given and received; help and hope extended to those who are most in need.
Grace is light that shines forth through the darkness, lifting the fog of concern and revealing the power and presence of God. My heart beats with gratitude for the blessings of amazing grace.
"From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace."--John 1:16
President Elect Obama's First Weekly Address
President Elect Obama is on the job and using technology to get his message across. Yes We Can!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Breakthrough - Daily Word

Daily Word — Saturday, November 15, 2008
I am one with God.
When rays of sunlight break through the clouds on a gloomy day, it is a welcome reminder that the sun is always shining--whether I see it or not.
At times, I may feel a bit gloomy. I may have allowed myself to become so caught up in the busyness of my life that I do not see the good that is always there. When I take a break from worry and frustration, I become aware of my blessings.
And like a bright ray of sunlight on a cloudy day, I break through to the truth of my oneness with God. My breakthrough may come in reading Scripture, listening to inspirational music, a sudden insight, or an unexpected solution to a problem.
Always, I return to the understanding that God is with me and all is well.
"The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple."--Psalm 119:130
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